sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Tory Eurosceptics urge: tell Angela Merkel we are serious about leaving EU

Tory Eurosceptics urge: tell Angela Merkel we are serious about leaving EU

John Redwood urges David Cameron to warn German chancellor during her visit to London that Britain may vote to exit

Angela Merkel should be made aware during a visit to London this week that the rising tide of Euroscepticism in Britain could cause the country to leave the EU, Tory MPs said on Saturday night.

The German chancellor will address both houses of parliament on Thursday and meet the Queen, during a visit ministers believe could be crucial to David Cameron's chances of securing the UK a better deal inside the EU, in time for a referendum by the end of 2017.

Merkel has made clear she is willing to try to help Cameron by pushing for changes to freedom of movement rules to limit so-called "benefit tourism" between EU member states and press for cuts in EU regulation. But diplomats says she is unlikely to support a reopening of EU treaties that could allow large-scale "repatriation" of powers of the kind demanded by many Tory Eurosceptics.

Downing Street appears to have accepted that talk of "repatriation" of powers may be unrealistic and a focus on rule changes within the existing treaty framework may be more realistic. Sources say Merkel's view is that, while she wants to help Cameron, the more urgent task for Berlin is to create a more stable and lasting framework for the euro, rather than reopening the entire EU treaty rulebook.

While the Ukrainian crisis is likely to take up much of the two leaders' time, the EU elections and appointments to the soon-to-be-vacant posts of European commission president, president of the parliament, and president of the council are likely to be raised.

Both leaders are alarmed at attempts by the European parliament to seize control of the decision as to who the next president of the commission should be. Cameron is concerned elements in the parliament are pushing the German Social Democrat Martin Schulz to be commission president.

Former Tory minister John Redwood said on Saturday night he would like Cameron to raise the need for cheaper energy and make clear, tactfully, how British people felt about the EU. "I don't think he should threaten her in any way, but the reality is very simple: either we get a new relationship that makes sense for Britain, or the British people will vote to leave," he said.

Stewart Jackson, Conservative MP for Peterborough, added: "The prime minister needs to make it quite clear to Mrs Merkel that the era of ever-closer union moving towards a federal European superstate is over.

"We are serious about fundamental renegotiation on issues like free movement and benefit tourism and the Germans must understand that the British electorate will soon have options before it, which may mean an exit from the EU. The ball is in Mr Merkel's court.""

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