jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Piers Morgan: I'm bigger than the Pope on Google | Media Monkey

Piers Morgan: I'm bigger than the Pope on Google | Media Monkey

Self-proclaimed 'cock of the walk' continues to strut his stuff on Twitter despite being his talkshow being cancelled by CNN

Piers Morgan is apparently unbowed by being dropped by CNN. The former Mirror editor boasted on Twitter after his sacking: "The Pope currently has 441,000,000 Google hits to his name. I have 484,000,000. I reckon I'll be OK. But thanks for the concern everyone." One wag tweeted back "The Pope has the Pope Mobile. You don't. I would be concerned." Morgan responded "He doesn't have an Aston Martin Rapide though", to which one tweeter hit back "No matter how many Astons you buy you'll never be James Bond" and another said "The Pope has a job fella!". And, following taunts from arch-enemy Jeremy Clarkson, Morgan couldn't help hitting back at those mocking him online. After Charlotte Church said she thought he was "such a prick" when they first met, Morgan tweeted "I actually enjoyed meeting you" but "you just weren't the brightest bulb in the box", following up by calling her "a bit dim". Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand invited the presenter to "come clean my boots", to which Morgan replied "Must be spotless after last night … you never touched the ball". All very droll – but perhaps the self-proclaimed "cock of the walk" might like to think about letting the dust settle?

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